Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Cook out treats

We had a last minute cook out with some of Kevin's friends last night, I decided i'd make up some quick and easy summer time treats.
Start with a retro cake plate and cover, if you dont have one, thats what antique shops are for. This one belonged to Kevin's grandma.

Next add the angel food cake (have I lost you yet?) I didn't have time to bake one myself so I bought this one ready made for $3

Clean your strawberries ladies. Cut them into four slices per strawberry, but save 3 or 4 of the better looking ones. Smash up your sliced strawberries with a fork and sprinkle some sugar on it.

Pour your smashed strawberries into the center of the cake, put those three nice looking ones you saved on top and you're done!

For drinks I served Tom Collins and Lemon Drop Martinis from recipes that my friend Kara gave me.
Tom Collins:
1 shot of vodka, 1 tsp. sugar, 1 shot of orange juice, 1 shot of lemon Italian soda (or sparkling lemonade) splash of lemon juice.

Mix in your martini shaker with ice, garnish with a cherry or lemon slice (or both!)

Lemon Drop Martini1/2 of vodka, 2 shots of lemon Italian soda (or sparkling lemonade)
1tsp of sugar, and a splash of lemon juice

Mix together in your martini shaker with ice, garnish with a lemon slice.


  1. hehehe! You're so cute!!
    I love Tom Collins! Grandma used to make them every New Years Eve. Even I would get to sip on a little one!
    The lemon drop sounds yummy too!

    The Swans man stopped by but I didn't buy anything this time. But in two week I'll buy us some Italian lemon ice:)

    I heart you so....much! Kevin too!

  2. Oh we get the good luigi's cherry italian ice from the dollar store, four for a buck. The kind i'd want every time I have a cold. Anyway Kevin and I want to get a blender so we can make smoothies and such. Maybe one of those retro ones, like this:http://www1.macys.com/catalog/product/index.ognc?ID=320591&trackingCat=26192&LinkLoc=7497&PseudoMasterProdID=321492&PseudoCat=26192&LinkType=SiteAd&AdID=505546

    Just much much cheaper...

    I gotta go, my groundhog friend is outside eating dandelions and I want to show the kitties.

  3. Oh, so now you have a groundhog friend!
    Becareful people might start calling you the crazy groundhog lady:)
    I don't like the cherry flavored ice. I know you do.
